A Prayer for Victims

Ed Sharrow
5 min readMay 24, 2021
Photo by Will Paterson on Unsplash

I’m not a medium. Sometimes, I see ghosts and other entities but it is not an experience I pursue. Most ghosts who are able to interact with sensitives and who remain present in the physical realms are here because they have unfinished business. Innocent victims of unexpected violence may get stuck here because they either don’t realize they have died or because they are tormented by the method of their death. Imagine looking forward to a positive and long life but having it snatched away unexpectedly by evil individuals.

I moved to an older neighborhood in St. Petersburg, Florida in 2019, wishfully called “Historic Uptown”. Less than a year after I moved here, the COVID-19 pandemic struck and all public parks were closed. The Millennium Youth Playground, a city park which is located behind my apartment building on 7th Street North at the intersection with 6th Avenue North, was fenced off for several months.

Shannon Griffin, Crime File Photo/Public Domain

The Sighting

One day I was walking past the closed park and noticed a well-dressed young black man standing forlorn against the back fence. I stopped to take a closer look at him. He made eye contact but before I could speak to him, he faded away. I was initially startled that he was a…

