The Rise and Fall of Human Consciousness

Ed Sharrow
7 min readFeb 19, 2019
Image credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/SAO; Optical: Detlef Hartmann; Infrared: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Celestial cycles determine the rise and fall of human consciousness. Earth travels through four distinct ages of that directly impact human abilities and the functions of the brain. These universal ages are determined by the position of the earth measured against a band of twelve constellations in the night sky. Humanity can benefit by understanding these ages and by maximizing the current period. For any student who has wondered about why ancient civilizations developed highly accurate measurements for the movements of the stars, or why there is evidence of civilizations more advanced than those currently on earth, understanding these ages provides one explanation. For simplicity, the four ages will be called the Iron Age, the Bronze Age, the Silver Age, and the Golden Age.


The earth is part of a solar system. The planets in earth’s solar system all orbit our sun. The entire solar system travels on an elliptical path through the Milky Way Galaxy. Though modern astrophysicists are still debating some components of this theory, every ancient civilization understood this movement as fact. More advanced civilizations than our own in earth’s distant past built lasting stone monuments to celebrate celestial movements. The monuments served a secondary goal to communicate insights to future generations. The…



Ed Sharrow
Ed Sharrow

Written by Ed Sharrow

Author, philosopher, meditation instructor. Also on Find books on Amazon.

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